
A Lot Of Love For Your Pet(s)!

13 keer opgeslagen als favoriet
3 terugkerende gasten
Woont samen met 1 huisdier
Antwoordt meestal binnen enkele uren
18weken geleden
Laatst actief
30 min. wandeling
4 EUR voor elk extra dier
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Anika is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor nieuwe aanvragen.

Over Anika

**I am not living in Leeuwarden at the moment, so I won´t be able to look after you four four-legged friends**

Hey there!

I am Anika, 23 years old and from Germany, and studying Tourism Management at NHL Stenden in Leeuwarden. Originally I am from a small island in the North Sea of Germany but decided to study abroad to improve my English skills and brighten my horizon! Right now I am a third year student.

What about me? I grew up on a small island all my life surrounded by many animals like horses, cats, dogs, cows, and now even alpacas! I am absolutely into animals and it breaks my heart to not be able to have proper contact with animals since I live here. At my home, we always had horses ourselves, but no dogs or cats. Therefore, I always "borrowed" the dog from friends of the family to go on walks with them, play with them, or just for cuddling. After graduating from school, I decided to take a GAP year and traveled to Sweden in 2020. During my 9-month stay, I worked on a remote Husky farm in the middle of nowhere and I enjoyed it to the fullest! I got to know more about dogs, their behavior, the training, and all that comes with it. I really had the time of my life and learned tons about dogs and nature and it made me fall in love with dogs even more. Because of my experience with Huskies (it's not only about petting, but also about living in a pack, hierarchy, giving medicine, sometimes even fights and all that ) I am able to handle big, strong dogs and furthermore also dogs that might have problems during walking outside. But I do not only like dogs, I also really like cats and smaller animals like rabbits and hamsters and I would call myself an animal lover in general.

Since I am back I really miss interacting with animals in my daily life, so that's why I signed up at Pawshake!

Why would I be the best sitter for your animal?

I am really ambitious when it comes to animals and I just love having company from four-legged friends! For me, the most important thing is that all animals are doing well and getting the amount of attention they need and deserve!

What can I offer you if I am "only" a student?

- photos of your pets during my sits to brighten up your day even when your pet is not with you!

- basic care like feeding and watering

- playing and cuddling in your home/garden

- grooming and brushing to keep the furr nice and clean

- take them out on nice walks ( at least 45 minutes, gladly also longer and depending on what they are used to/how old they are!)

- home-visits for 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your wishes

- house-stays (read further down for more information)

- day-sits of dogs that struggle to be alone for a longer time (if I am free that day)

Of course, that are not the only things I would do, If you are in need of other services we can surely make that work somehow, do not hesitate to contact me about special wishes! I am mostly available in the mornings and evenings, but due to a changing schedule, there is also time in the noon/afternoon.


If you are interested in house-sitting feel free to text me, sometimes I have less busy days at Uni and sometimes more busy days, depending! And of course, I would not let anyone in the house or have someone over, only I will stay in the house as I value privacy and security!

Because I am a student and live in a shared student house I am not able to take your pet home with me and take care of it at my place overnight! If you wish for a day-sitter it should not be a problem!

Those were the most important things about me and I hope you enjoyed reading about me! If you have any more questions or think that I am the perfect sitter for your pet, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am really looking forward to getting to know you and your pet(s) and to spending some time with your loved four-legged friends!

Maybe see you soon, Anika!

Diensten van Anika

Bij jou thuis

De oppas haalt je hond thuis op voor een fijne wandeling (30 min)
4 EUR voor elk extra dier
Eén huisbezoek per dag
Boek een oppas die bij je thuis langskomt om je huisdier te voeren en verzorgen
De oppas overnacht bij jou thuis
20 EUR
Twee huisbezoeken per dag
Je huisdier wordt twee keer per dag bezocht door de oppas.
12 EUR

Anika biedt ook


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Respecteert afspraken
Correcte omschrijving
Omgang met dieren
Michiel, 2023-06-05


Michiel, 2023-05-14


next page


Anika's huisdieren



Specifieke Vaardigheden

Ik spreek Engels & Duits
+5 jaren ervaring

Ervaring met

Vrijwilliger in dierenwelzijn




A Lot Of Love For Your Pet(s)!

30 min. wandeling
4 EUR voor elk extra dier
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Anika is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor nieuwe aanvragen.

Annulatiebeleid: Standaard

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags 7 dagenvóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.

Dagopvang voor honden en Hondenuitlaatservice hebbben altijd een flexibel annuleringsbeleid:

Volledige teruggave bij annulering vóór 12:00 uur 's middags de dag vóór de reservering start, 50% teruggave daarna..

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