
Experienced pet sitter!

54 keer opgeslagen als favoriet
11 terugkerende gasten
Laatst gereserveerd: gisteren
Laatst gecontacteerd: gisteren
Antwoordt meestal binnen een dag
9 uur geleden
Laatst actief
Overdag, bij de oppas thuis
8 EUR voor elk extra dier
40 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen

Over Gloria

Hi, I'm Gloria, a friendly and compassionate pet sitter, dedicated to providing animal care and support. Building trust with pets through kindness and play, maintaining spotlessly clean conditions for happy, healthy animals.

I could walk your pet daily and take them for a trip to the countryside or directly to nature, every walk it is at least 40 min. I can take care of your pet when you need it, in your house, for a very long walk all day or during the night.

One of my motivations for being a pet sitter is that I love animals, and I think they need special support and care, I have a lot of experience with senior pets, as well as puppies. Handle dogs of different breeds and personalities with a calm and knowledgeable approach. This is because I grow up in contact with different animals, like horses, cats, and especially dogs.

All my pets are dogs, and the last time I share space with 5 of them was in the house of my parents, so with time, I learn to understand their necessities, different personalities, capacities, and welfare. Since I was born I have been sharing a home with many dogs from medium breeds to the biggest, from a Cocker Spaniel to a Great Dane and a Saint Bernard.

I have experience with rescued dogs, helping them to move on with their trauma, and socializing again with other dogs and humans, so they can live happily and healthy as they can. With all my experience, I hope I could help you with anything your pet needs and give you the confidence that your pet will be in the right hands.

Diensten van Gloria

Bij de oppas thuis

Vind dagopvang voor jouw hond, overdag in het huis van de oppas
8 EUR voor elk extra dier
40 EUR

Bij jou thuis

De oppas haalt je hond thuis op voor een fijne wandeling (30 min)
7 EUR voor elk extra dier
16 EUR
Eén huisbezoek per dag
Boek een oppas die bij je thuis langskomt om je huisdier te voeren en verzorgen
17 EUR
Twee huisbezoeken per dag
Je huisdier wordt twee keer per dag bezocht door de oppas.
25 EUR

Gloria biedt ook

Halen en brengen

Annulatiebeleid: Standaard

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags 7 dagenvóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.

Dagopvang voor honden en Hondenuitlaatservice hebbben altijd een flexibel annuleringsbeleid:

Volledige teruggave bij annulering vóór 12:00 uur 's middags de dag vóór de reservering start, 50% teruggave daarna..

Geen teruggave wanneer de boeking wordt geannuleerd on op of na de startdatum van de boeking.


Respecteert afspraken
Correcte omschrijving
Omgang met dieren
Jelte, 2024-07-24

Gloria is een vriendelijke, pro-actieve oppas die ontzettend lief is met dieren. Yuki was eigenlijk meteen oké met haar, en dat is vrij bijzonder. Midden in mijn vakantie had ik stromuitval in huis, en Gloria heeft de situatie heel fijn opgevangen. 10/10 would hire again!

Flor, 2024-06-07

Unfortunately, Gloria was not a match for our dog and I would not recommend her. I’m going to be very honest with my feedback to be able to help other people, especially those with large dogs.

First, communication during the booking process was simply bad. I made the request when I got home after our meetup, at 18.29 according to the app. We had agreed that Gloria would accept it and I would drop Zena off the next day at 8 - this was important for me because I wanted to avoid peak hour. With no response 3 hours later, I sent her a message with Zena’s vet number, just in case she had missed the e-mail with the booking request. I went to bed with uncertainty because Gloria had no reaction whatsoever. In the morning, already stressed by not knowing what to do, I sent her another message at 6 asking her to confirm that I could drop my dog off. Once it was 7.30 – the time I had planned to leave- I assumed Zena would have to stay home alone and I would be in the office for half day only, so I went to the park to take her for a long walk before I left. Gloria accepted the request at 7.41, saying it just “slipped out of her mind” (!). This is not good when you are dealing with other people’s dogs and I thought it was disrespectful of my time and schedule, but I chose to be patient and still dropped Zena off - much later, during peak hour, and in a rush.

An hour after I arrived in the office, Gloria called me in distress and said she was in a park, and that Zena had got overexcited and had bit her. She acknowledged it was playful and not aggressive but told me it was “too much” because of her size (she is about the height of a Boxer, although Gloria’s profile remarks she has shared houses with even the biggest breeds); then asked me to go pick her up. I was shocked because Zena never gets overexcited during walks, but being 10 months old, it could be possible that hanging with someone new in an unknown park was overwhelming for her. I advised Gloria to remove Zena from the overexciting environment until I could come, and to give her some chews I especially left for her. It still surprises me that Gloria’s profile claims she has a lot of experience with dogs of all breeds, personalities and sizes (even traumatised dogs, which is not the case of mine), but failed to recognise the common behaviour of an overexcited pup and redirect her attention, which is dog 101.

In the end, my partner left his work to pick Zena up and found Gloria, almost 2 hours later, still sitting on a bench in the park while Zena was across the road with an unknown person, apparently a friend of Gloria who she had called for help, as if Zena was an unmanageable, dangerous beast. My dog showed too much excitement for 5 minutes and Gloria handed her to a complete stranger… then told my partner Zena is not socialised (!), a remark I find utterly offensive, because since the beginning we invested time and effort in educating ourselves and Zena and exposing her to different environments and people and, as a consequence, she is a calm and well-behaved dog.

Overall, I paid for a (full day) of pet sitting so I could relax, but instead I had to stress about this poorly managed situation shortly after I got to the office. I trusted Gloria with my dog because I assumed she would take care of her as an “experienced pet sitter”, but she was clearly uncapable of doing so.

next page


Over Gloria's huis

Toegelaten huisdieren

< 1 jaar
Maat honden
0-80 kg
Hond leeftijden
0-20 jaren
alle soorten
Kleine dieren
knaagdieren, konijnen, ...

Gloria's huis

Een appartement
Een kleine buitenruimte
Heeft geen kinderen
24/7 toezicht


Losloopgebied dichtbij
Stedelijk, Strand, Stadspark, Platteland & Bos


Specifieke Vaardigheden

Ik spreek Engels & Spaans
+10 jaren ervaring
Vertrouwd met hondentrainingstechnieken
Pet medicating Compassionate animal care Brushing and grooming Training and stimulation activities Patience Dog walking Basic first aid Pet behavior management Excellent patience levels

Ervaring met

Vrijwilliger in dierenwelzijn


Telefonisch interview


Experienced pet sitter!

Overdag, bij de oppas thuis
8 EUR voor elk extra dier
40 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen
Contacteer Gloria

Annulatiebeleid: Standaard

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags 7 dagenvóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.

Dagopvang voor honden en Hondenuitlaatservice hebbben altijd een flexibel annuleringsbeleid:

Volledige teruggave bij annulering vóór 12:00 uur 's middags de dag vóór de reservering start, 50% teruggave daarna..

Geen teruggave wanneer de boeking wordt geannuleerd on op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Reserveer via Pawshake om te genieten van onze dekking van dierenartskosten, klantendienst, reservatiegarantie, veilige online-betalingen, foto-updates en meer!

Contacteer Gloria