
Until you love an animal, your soul remains unawakened.

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Over Eser

Lovely people, hi :)

If there is one thing which makes life liveable is the existence of animals in this earth! It's a wonder to me how the human race can sometimes believe it's superior to other species. To experience the purest forms of love and innocence, all you need to do is connect with these amazing beings.

You see, this has been my life's calling since I was a child. I've always shared my home with animals, often those who've found their way to us from the streets. Some came to hang out for a while, and others became cherished members of our family. I had a dog during my childhood, and she was more than just a pet; she was my best friend and my guardian 💜 I miss her dearly, and my heart aches for the companionship of dogs 💜💜

My life led me to spend many years in Turkey, where I couldn't help but get involved with street animals. I even missed a university exam once to save a blind kitten. The vet told me he wouldn't make it, but I kept him warm under my pajamas and cared for him so tenderly that he's now a 15-year-old cat living happily in my mother's house. Speaking of my mother, she has eight cats of her own, not to mention the ones she cares for on the street 🤭😊

Now, I live with five cats, and I understand the challenge of finding someone trustworthy to care for your beloved furry family members when you need to be away. I've missed vacations myself because I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my cats in the wrong hands. 😅 I know how important it is to have someone you can truly trust 🙏🏽

Over the years, I've become the go-to person for friends who need someone reliable to look after their dogs and cats. They trust me implicitly, and I take that responsibility to heart. If you ever find yourself in need of a caring and responsible individual to care for your pets, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'll be there for you, offering my time, energy, and boundless affection to ensure that your furry friends are in good hands. Your peace of mind means everything to me. Just let me know, and I'll gladly extend a helping hand. 🤗

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Until you love an animal, your soul remains unawakened.

Overnachting, bij jou thuis
25 EUR
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Annulatiebeleid: Flexibel

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags op de dag vóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

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