
Calm, quiet 🐱 companion (Rustenburg / Escamp)

Den Haag
8 keer opgeslagen als favoriet
1 terugkerende gast
Laatst gereserveerd: 12 dagen geleden
Laatst gecontacteerd: 12 dagen geleden
Woont samen met 1 kat
Antwoordt meestal binnen enkele uren
3dagen geleden
Laatst actief
Eén huisbezoek per dag
30 min. huisbezoek, bij jou thuis
15 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Anna-Lise accepteert momenteel alleen reservaties van bestaande klanten.

Over Anna-Lise

Who am I?

I moved to NL from the UK in 2013. I am pretty introverted, and therefore quiet and calm.

I work as an in-house accountant for a large company, mostly from home.

Why cat-sit?

I grew up with cats. I've had cats my entire life. I love cats. By profession, I'm an accountant but I much prefer the company of felines. I have my own little tuxedo kitty (or rather, she has me!) and I love to cuddle and play with her.

I just adore meeting new cats, and always stop to say hello if I see one on the street! 

My availability

I generally work from home so it's possible to have some flexibility. My preference is to visit your cat(s) between 8am and 10am, and/or between 4pm and 6pm. This can always be discussed before a booking though!

Overnights are possible, but not for extended periods. I have my own cat (Leia), and she'd miss me if I were away for long. If I spend the night with your cats, I will go back during the day to spend time with mine. If you need care for more than a couple days, I prefer to alternate between an overnight stay, and one or two visits during the day. That way, Leia won't be alone overnight for extended periods of time.

What I offer

Cat care

I'm happy to cover all kinds of cat care, from feeding to cleaning litter trays, and from cuddles and play to simply being present in the same space as the cat (if they prefer to be left alone).

I am comfortable and happy around any breeds or temperaments. Claws and teeth don't faze me. If a cat lets me know they don't want attention, I'm comfortable letting them be. If they do want attention, they will definitely get plenty from me! (Accidental poetry)

What I can do during a visit:

I usually spend half an hour per visit, but this is negotiable.

  • I'll feed your cat dry food or wet food, either manually provided or via an auto-feeder
  • I'll wash any used bowls, including water bowls, and provide fresh water
  • I'll empty the litter tray daily, and clean it once per week (frequency can be discussed)
  • I can provide any medication, either directly into the cats mouth, or in food. I don't do injections.
  • Depending on the cat's temperament, I'll either sit there and let the cat come to me or I'll play, or stroke, or cuddle.

Other services

I'm happy to take care of other things during your vacation.

For example:

  • I can water your plants, as long as they don't require specialist care (I confess I'm not the most green fingered person, so delicate plants are best left for someone else!)
  • I can collect your mail, and/or wait for packages if the delivery window is small.
  • I can clean, dust, vacuum, do laundry or any other general household tasks you'd like completed whilst you're away.

Other pets

I'm also happy to look after fish, rodents or reptiles; as long as you can show me how they need to be cared for. I did once own a couple of bearded dragons, but I'm not a pro at caring for anything other than cats! The only pets I won't look after are dogs.

Diensten van Anna-Lise

Bij jou thuis

Eén huisbezoek per dag
Boek een oppas die bij je thuis langskomt om je huisdier te voeren en verzorgen
15 EUR
Twee huisbezoeken per dag
Je huisdier wordt twee keer per dag bezocht door de oppas.
25 EUR

Anna-Lise biedt ook

Annulatiebeleid: Flexibel

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags op de dag vóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.


Respecteert afspraken
Correcte omschrijving
Omgang met dieren
harold, 2024-07-04

Anne-Lise heeft voor een langere periode, paar weken, voor mijn kat gezorgd. Zeer tevreden, zorgzaam, duidelijk katten gewend en een goede communicatie. Mijn kat was bij mijn thuiskomst, na mijn afwezigheid van weken, gewoon de “oude”. Anna-Lise geeft duidelijk meer aandacht aan de verzorging dan de dagelijkse voer en kattenbak ronde.

Anne-Lise, als je dit leest, bedankt!

Claire, 2024-05-27

Absolutely great service by Anna-Lise! I returned home to a happy cat. I appreciated the pictures I received throughout. Would recommend and will be booking Anna-Lise again!

next page


Anna-Lise's huisdieren



Specifieke Vaardigheden

Ik spreek Engels & Frans & Nederlands
+20 jaren ervaring
I grew up with cats. I've had cats my entire life. I've been a professional cat sitter for the last 3 years (via another platform) but I've always looked after friend's and family's cats when they're on holiday. I already have 12 five-star reviews via another platform, which I can share if required, and 5 recurring clients.

Ervaring met

Vrijwilliger in dierenwelzijn


Telefonisch interview


Calm, quiet 🐱 companion (Rustenburg / Escamp)

Den Haag
Eén huisbezoek per dag
30 min. huisbezoek, bij jou thuis
15 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Anna-Lise accepteert momenteel alleen reservaties van bestaande klanten.

Annulatiebeleid: Flexibel

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags op de dag vóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.

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