
Your dear one's home when you're away from home

9 keer opgeslagen als favoriet
8 terugkerende gasten
Woont samen met 1 hond
Woont samen met Chihuahua/Shiba Inu mix Riku
1weken geleden
Laatst actief
Overdag, bij de oppas thuis
10 EUR voor elk extra dier
20 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Lilli is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor nieuwe aanvragen.

Over Lilli

Hello, I am Lilli and I would love to open my heart and home to your furry, loved one! :) I am from the United States but have made my home here in NL for 9 years together with my chihuahua/shiba inu mix Riku. I am kind and caring and have a full heart of love and deep affection for animals. From a young age I started taking care of pets like mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, cats and dogs. I love dogs and pets in general and I want you to feel at ease when you’re away, knowing your furry-friend is being well taken care of, having fun and loved!

I am a freelancer so this gives me the perfect opportunity to pursue another passion: giving the love and care to furry friends that they deserve! I live in a home with a garden that is completely secured in the lovely Schrijversbuurt district. Beautiful, lush, and green parks that are lively with people and dogs playing are nearby. I always leave the garden door open when it's nice outside so your dog may play or take a snooze in the sun. If your dog needs to sleep in my bedroom because he or she is lonely at night, I am willing to accommodate any of their needs. 

What I offer:

  • Doggy day care: for 6 to 8 hours until 18:00.
  • Dog boarding: Overnight stays in my home, walks, treats, fun and love!
  • I usually go for a walk at around 8:30 in the morning, at 13:30 in the afternoon, and a short walk in the evening. Weekends I take longer walks around the nearby parks and trails. Depending on the needs of your dog, I consider the time, frequency and length of the walks.
  • Open potty time: I have a garden, and during the warmer months, I usually leave the door open so your dog may go relieve him/herself whenever they needs to or enjoy the sun.
  • Daytime supervision: I am working at home during the week and will only leave if necessary for short outings such as groceries or short errands etc. or emergencies.
  • Evening supervision: A couple days of the week in the evenings I attend lessons in the nearby yoga studio of which your dog can rest safely at home along with Riku.
  • Sunday morning supervision: Sunday mornings I work out of the home for about 4-5 hours. At this time your pup will be home safe with Riku of which I will return promptly from work.
  • I provide treats, extra blankets if needed and plenty of toys! Please bring your dog's own bed if he/she sleeps over and any favorite toys to help him or her feel more at home in an unfamiliar environment. 
  • Drug administration: I can give oral medication.
  • Other care: Brushing teeth (if your dog is used to this) and fur if desired (please provide your dog’s own equipment for this type of care)
  • If your dog requires any other special needs, please discuss them with me. 

    Because Riku is a very small (4 kilos) and an older dog (11 years), I only take in well-mannered, sociable, neutered, potty-trained, vaccinated dogs. Please no aggressive dogs. Unfortunately, because Riku is frightened of cats, I cannot accept them.

    Before you make a reservation, kindly get in touch with me to discuss your needs and we may set up a meetup to ensure our dogs get along. I work my best to make sure that your dog is safe, at ease, comfortable, and having a great time with Riku and I! 

    Diensten van Lilli

    Bij de oppas thuis

    Vind dagopvang voor jouw hond, overdag in het huis van de oppas
    10 EUR voor elk extra dier
    20 EUR
    Je hond logeert bij de oppas thuis
    15 EUR voor elk extra dier
    30 EUR

    Lilli biedt ook

    Annulatiebeleid: Flexibel

    Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags op de dag vóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

    Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

    Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.


    Respecteert afspraken
    Correcte omschrijving
    Omgang met dieren
    Irina, 2024-05-03

    We had it all very smooth and happy. Would definitely return !

    Michelle, 2024-04-22

    I’m supper happy to have found Lilli here! She has a really nice vibe and also Riku, her dog 💜☺️

    I felt super comfortable to leave Maya with them!

    Of course I will look for Lilli again to take care of my pupish 😊

    next page


    Lilli's huisdieren

    Chihuahua/Shiba Inu mix

    Over Lilli's huis

    Toegelaten huisdieren

    < 1 jaar
    Maat honden
    0-20 kg
    Hond leeftijden
    0-20 jaren

    Lilli's huis

    Een normale buitenruimte
    Heeft geen kinderen
    Een volledig afgesloten tuin


    Losloopgebied dichtbij
    Stedelijk & Stadspark


    Specifieke Vaardigheden

    Ik spreek Engels
    +10 jaren ervaring
    Vertrouwd met hondentrainingstechnieken

    Ervaring met





    Your dear one's home when you're away from home

    Overdag, bij de oppas thuis
    10 EUR voor elk extra dier
    20 EUR
    Alle diensten en prijzen

    Niet beschikbaar

    Lilli is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor nieuwe aanvragen.

    Annulatiebeleid: Flexibel

    Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags op de dag vóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

    Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

    Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.

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