Kiran Kumar

Trained Dog Walker/behaviorist

43 keer opgeslagen als favoriet
8 terugkerende gasten
Antwoordt meestal binnen een dag
17weken geleden
Laatst actief
30 min. wandeling
7 EUR voor elk extra dier
15 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Kiran Kumar is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor nieuwe aanvragen.

Over Kiran Kumar

Pet services offered : On-leash walk , Training to not pull the leash, Home visits ( including oral medications ) , Dog training ( inside and outside the house ), Behavioral Training, Dog Exercises such as running while cycling or running, agility training, cap sitting.

Read below for an extensive detail of my services :)

A little bit introduction about me :

Hi pet owners, do you have a busy week and you are feeling guilty about not being able to walk your dog? I understand how important it is for your dog to have a good exercise/walk for the day or else they get frustrated and chew up stuff in your home. I have been a dog walker in Netherlands for 3 years and in India for 8 years. I believe every dog ​​is capable of being calm and joyful. Since they get influenced by our moods and behavior I work with dog owners to help them become calmer dog owners. Along with dog walks, I also enjoy basic behavioral training of dogs. I have a very close bond with the last dog I trained named " Pudge" and " Joy" ( in my pictures) and I like to keep in touch with the owners to see how their puppy is doing. For me, this is not just a job, but a passion for brining joy and better life for dogs ( animals in general) . I am living in the center of Utrecht finishing my Master Thesis so I am quite flexible with time. I would never stop walking and training dogs. I also volunteered in national care in Wassenaar for 3 months enjoyed every bit of it. I have fair amount of experience in behavior training and dog walking. I like to do running and cycling with the dogs to give good exercise. If your dog is not trained for it I can also help with it :) A well exercised dog with good mental work out ( training) is always going to be calm and sweet in your home .

Following are the details of my services I offer :

1) Dog walk : I am a trained dog walker and I like to do enrichment walks. It means I teach dogs to follow my lead and help them to walk next to me ( without pulling on the leash) . My walks are generally 30 to 45 mins (depending on the weather and requirement). If the weather is not conductive I also offer alternate agility training. And of course plenty of affection and affirmation.

2) Leash pull: I teach dog owners and their belowed dogs to walk without a lot of stress on the leash. A simple leading method ( calm and assertive demeanor) goes a long way in getting the result. And of course solitaire works wonders.

3) Behavioral training : I teach dogs to not be aggressive with other people and be more social with other dogs. If you have issues with your dog being aggressive with other dogs , I can help you since I work with such dogs. And the good news is most dogs just need to be understood and need a strong leader to help them feel safe. Thats one of the secrets for them not lash out on other dogs :) I can certainly help you achieve that. Other training include : controlling puppy bites, setting boundaries in the house, respecting certain spaces, teaching them not to growl or bite while eating their meal.

4) Home visits : I also do home visits if its not more than 6 kms from the center of utrecht. My services include cleaning the mess made by the dogs/cats. Cleaning the kitty litter, Spending time with the pets ( dogs : entertaining them) , Taking them outside for toilet ( dogs) . Giving medications ( non - syringe ) . massages to dogs to relieve stress and anxiety ( if requested ) . My home visits are from 30 to 45 mins ( as per requirement and number or pets )

5) Pet/house Sitting : I offer pet sitting as well . Since I work on my thesis from home I can devote a lot of time with your pets when you are gone for your vacation. Number of days is flexible and negotiable. My service during pet sitting includes : watering the plants, cleaning after the pets ( kitty litter) and toys, Daily walks for dogs, playing with the dogs and keeping them entertained, Cleaning up after using utensils, and keeping the house tidy. If you have a garden (picking up poops). And ofcourse feeding the pets on time and giving necessary medication ( oral and applied medication) . Apart from all this I also offer puppy training and I like running and cycling with dogs. It gives them good exercise and helps them not to be bored at home. ( Upon your request I can offer these services as well).

I preach pet owners to cater to the needs of their pets. Needs which have been evolved through generations of evolution. I hope to see you and your beautiful pet soon :)

Cheers, Kiran

Diensten van Kiran Kumar

Bij jou thuis

De oppas haalt je hond thuis op voor een fijne wandeling (30 min)
7 EUR voor elk extra dier
15 EUR
Eén huisbezoek per dag
Boek een oppas die bij je thuis langskomt om je huisdier te voeren en verzorgen
15 EUR
De oppas overnacht bij jou thuis
40 EUR
Twee huisbezoeken per dag
Je huisdier wordt twee keer per dag bezocht door de oppas.
30 EUR

Kiran Kumar biedt ook


Annulatiebeleid: Standaard

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags 7 dagenvóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.

Dagopvang voor honden en Hondenuitlaatservice hebbben altijd een flexibel annuleringsbeleid:

Volledige teruggave bij annulering vóór 12:00 uur 's middags de dag vóór de reservering start, 50% teruggave daarna..

Geen teruggave wanneer de boeking wordt geannuleerd on op of na de startdatum van de boeking.


Respecteert afspraken
Correcte omschrijving
Omgang met dieren
Melisa & Luca, 2023-03-25

Kiran is an experienced dog walker/sitter. He is clear in communication and punctual. He took good care of our little girl. He gave us regular updates. It was the first time she stayed without us, and she seemed happy when we were back. She went to say bye when Kiran was leaving 😊

RJ, 2023-01-02

Leo had a great time with Kiran. Clear and easy communication and he left the apartment spotless.

next page



Specifieke Vaardigheden

Ik spreek Engels & Anders
+5 jaren ervaring
Vertrouwd met hondentrainingstechnieken

Basic Behavioral Training,

Leash walking on and off.

Positive reinforcement training

alpha pack walk

Oral medicine application

Kan Toedienen

Orale medicatie
Eerste hulp voor huisdieren

Ervaring met

Vrijwilliger in dierenwelzijn


Kiran Kumar

Kiran Kumar

Trained Dog Walker/behaviorist

30 min. wandeling
7 EUR voor elk extra dier
15 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Kiran Kumar is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor nieuwe aanvragen.

Annulatiebeleid: Standaard

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags 7 dagenvóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.

Dagopvang voor honden en Hondenuitlaatservice hebbben altijd een flexibel annuleringsbeleid:

Volledige teruggave bij annulering vóór 12:00 uur 's middags de dag vóór de reservering start, 50% teruggave daarna..

Geen teruggave wanneer de boeking wordt geannuleerd on op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

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