
Doggies And Cats Best Friend

37 keer opgeslagen als favoriet
9 terugkerende gasten
Woont samen met 1 kat
Antwoordt meestal binnen enkele uren
1dagen geleden
Laatst actief
Eén huisbezoek per dag
30 min. huisbezoek, bij jou thuis
18 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Maria is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor nieuwe aanvragen.

Over Maria

Hello 🤗

My name is Maria and I'm 22 years old. I'm a student at BUAS. My home country is Bulgaria where I have a dog- Frenchie and his name is Max who is 10 years old. Also, I have 2 cats with names Reya and Murka. Since I was 6, I have always had a dog and/ or a cat. My mom works as a vet in my hometown. I love visiting my mom's working place where I take care of the animals there. The vet has a hotel for animals and every time I visit it, I walk the dogs who are staying there. I decided to work with dogs and cats during the summer because I miss mine.

Me and my boyfriend (Maxi, 23) can take care of every type of character that pets have. We would love to walk dogs and play with them. Also, we feel so happy when there are cats around as a company. So far, we have the experience of 4 years consistently practicing the pet sitting via Pawshake and a lot of happy customers. We don't accept it as work but more as relaxing time and having the opportunity to be around pets and feel the positive energy of them. Also to face different behaviours of dog and cats and knowing how to deal with it, being beneficial for me to become a dog trainer .

It will be a great honor to take care of your cute pets. We can take long walks with your dogs and why not cats as well. We are able to make home visits in order to be a company for your four-legged friends. We can stay the night and sitting your fluffy pets.

We are trying to be flexible with our schedules and combine study, work and relaxing with doggies and cats. That's why we are representing both of us because when I am busy, Maxi is helping to me. Also since we are sitting dogs and cats for 4 years now, we had experience with amazing dogs and cats and have knowledge for different breeds and characters as well! We have experience German shepherds, Pitbulls , Frenchies, Golden Retrievers, Shiba Inu, Labradors, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Mini poodles, Spanish Mastiffs and so. Looking forward to meet your doggies and cats☺

As of luck not being on our side, our current living place does not permit any pets in the house but if it not for long time, could be discussed with us and the landlord. We provide services all around Breda, however if your location is outside of Breda a cost for transpiration might be considered.

Diensten van Maria

Bij jou thuis

Eén huisbezoek per dag
Boek een oppas die bij je thuis langskomt om je huisdier te voeren en verzorgen
18 EUR
De oppas overnacht bij jou thuis
45 EUR
Twee huisbezoeken per dag
Je huisdier wordt twee keer per dag bezocht door de oppas.
30 EUR

Maria biedt ook

Halen en brengen

Annulatiebeleid: Standaard

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags 7 dagenvóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

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Respecteert afspraken
Correcte omschrijving
Omgang met dieren
Heleen, 2024-07-20

I concur with all the previous positive reviews. There is not much else to add. Maria and Maxi took very good care of our Igor and were very communicative about how things were going. I would definitely recommend them to take care of your pets.

Alexandra, 2024-07-17

She came as scheduled and deeded the cat and petted her

next page


Maria's huisdieren



Specifieke Vaardigheden

Ik spreek Engels & Anders
+10 jaren ervaring
Vertrouwd met hondentrainingstechnieken
I speak English and Bulgarian. I have an experience with animals before.

Ervaring met

Vrijwilliger in dierenwelzijn




Doggies And Cats Best Friend

Eén huisbezoek per dag
30 min. huisbezoek, bij jou thuis
18 EUR
Alle diensten en prijzen

Niet beschikbaar

Maria is momenteel niet beschikbaar voor nieuwe aanvragen.

Annulatiebeleid: Standaard

Volledige teruggave bij annulering voor 12:00u 's middags 7 dagenvóórdat de boeking start, daarna 50% teruggave.

Geen teruggave als de boeking is geannuleerd op of na de startdatum van de boeking.

Let op: alle tijden zijn gebaseerd op de tijdzone van de oppas.

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